viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Some person who I like to met

It could seems weird, but I would like to met to a begining of the past century's Chilean army officer, called Marmaduke Grove Vallejo. I'm not agree with his political thinking, but I really like to talk him because I want to know what take him to try in three times differents coups d' etat, and to know what kind of men was him, personally, and what kind of men he cames in to after his entire political and military life, after several years into exile, after fougth so many battles almost alone, after have been so close to be elected president.

To be sincere, I found some of things he tries a little bit crazy or even stupid or funny, but I believe that he is an example to recilience and love for his way to look for a better country or a better world.

In fact, he has became an anecdote; and I must say, an almost forgotten anecdote. If you ask for Marmaduke Grove in the street, or whit te most of people, they probably gone answer something like: "What is that, a cartoon?" or "It's for eating or something?". I'm not doing a defence to history or saying that Marmaduke Grove should be an essential character in the Chilean identity, I belive that his role in pretty precise in the country history and not have so much importance, no. He isn't the key one, but

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

My notebook

This year I could buy a notebook, it isn´t so expensive, but it has a great video card and allows me to use my favorites programs like video and image editors, mapping programs (wich I need for university) and even any game I like. I really enjoy whit it watching movies and some youtube's videos of Remy Gaillard or Sofía Gómez, for example.

But mainly I used it for serching and listening music, and scores to playing guitar and bass, because I'm learning to. My musical audition isn't perfect yet, so I need to see scores to play almost any song, and this makes to my notebook a great complement for practise.

With my notebook also I can speak whit people who I cannot see everyday, like my Argentinian father's family. I can only see them just in case, so I like to talk them sometimes using some chat software. When I´m at home, I have to share my notebook whit the rest of my family, mainly whit my father, who loves to chat whith his brothers.

When I bring it to university, I put in my bag very carefully among a soft pack; and when some of my classmates see it, they joke with it saying that I'm ridicously carefull, but I prefer this instead to lose my notebook.